Paulding High School's Blessings in a Bag program would like to thank the following businesses and groups for their generous support this year! This supplemental food program would not be possible without the continuous support of our amazing community!
Paulding County Area Foundation
Paulding Putnam Electric Trust
Kiwanis Club of Paulding County
Cooper Farms
Paulding Eagles
Paulding VFW
Baughman Tile
Paulding High School’s Personal Growth and Positive Mindset class participated for the first
time in the Lead4Change program this school year. Lead4Change is a national student
leadership program that provides educators with lessons on leadership and challenges students
to create and implement their own leadership project in the community. In Ohio the
Lead4Change program can also be used to help some students with their graduation
The Personal Growth students worked on their Lead4Change projects this past semester and
were required to brainstorm, plan, implement, and document their project, write a one pager of
the project, write reflections, create a video showcasing their project, and write a grant proposal.
Upon review of the student and educator’s submitted work, the Lead4Change program selects
projects to fund.
Paulding High School is very excited to announce that one of the Personal Growth class’
projects was ranked in the top 13% of Lead4Change projects in the nation and was awarded a
$1,000 grant. The Lunch Chats program was created by Adam Stahl, Layla Logan, Bryce Manz,
and Camron Wolford and was meant to help students connect with one another and to improve
mental health.
Lead4Change’s press release stated, “Entries were reviewed and passed through three levels
of evaluation and judging. Our judges are inspired by the way these teams identified a problem
or need, devised a plan, overcame obstacles, and pushed forward to reach their goals. We love
the creative and innovative ways that teams communicated with their target audience and
practiced leadership skills from beginning to end!”
The winning project, Lunch Chats, created a way for middle school and high school students to
make new friends during their lunch period a couple times a month. Students conversed, played
card games, and enjoyed snacks with one another. Many of the snacks and funds for Lunch
Chats were provided by the school district, OSU Extension Office, and The United Way of
Paulding County. Their support really made a big impact on the program.
Emily Remaklus, Paulding High School’s Personal Growth and Positive Mindset teacher, stated,
“What I really loved about Lunch Chats was seeing kids who don’t normally hang out together
spending time getting to know one another. I was definitely excited and surprised to receive the
email saying we won a grant. It was our first year using Lead4Change, so I told the kids not to
get their hopes up too much on winning. So the fact that we actually won was just so exciting.
I’m really proud of the kids and the impact they made on our school.”
The Personal Growth and Positive Mindset class will incorporate Lead4Change projects again
next year as part of the course curriculum.
Picture 1 - The Lunch Chats leadership team and their teacher. Left to right: Bryce Manz, Layla
Logan, Emily Remaklus, Camron Wolford, and Adam Stahl
Picture 2 - Bryce Manz, Camron Wolford, and Personal Growth teacher Emily Remaklus pose
with their Lead4Change award check
This past weekend, the Paulding High School Quiz Bowl team traveled to Rosemont, IL, to compete in the national tournament. While there, they also explored downtown Chicago’s cultural museum and other attractions. Although they did not bring home any awards, they did leave the competition with wonderful memories and the desire to compete again next year.
We would like to express our gratitude to the community for their generous support!
Ms. Remaklus' high school drama class has been hard at work writing, directing, and performing their own children's theatre performance of Chicken Little. The drama class was fortunate to have the first-grade students from Paulding Elementary come to watch their show on Thursday. Everyone had a great time!
Check out pictures from the performance below.
Photo Gallery
The Personal Growth and Positive Mindset class will be hosting a recycling drive on Saturday, March 9th, at Paulding High School in the Circle Drive from 8 am - 1 pm. They will be accepting plastic types 1–7, aluminum cans, paper, and cardboard. Please make sure cans and bottles have been rinsed out. We hope to see you there.